The Clovis Rotary Skatepark is located in Letterman Park on Villa Avenue between Barstow and Bullard avenues. The 27,000 sq. ft. concrete skatepark has features for all skaters. There is no fee to use this facility.

  • There is a large street area with ledges, rails, banks and stairs.
  • The “trog” bowl features multiple depths and plenty of lines
  • The pool features stairs, tiles and real pool coping Hours of Operation
  • The fully lighted skatepark.
  • The skatepark and adjoining Letterman Park has members of Clovis Area Recreation staff  present from 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM seven days a week.

Clovis Rotary Skatepark Rules

Pursuant to Clovis Municipal Code 10.5.7
  • Helmets, elbow and knee pads are required and shall be worn properly for all skaters.
  • Only skateboards, in-line skates, quad skates and scooters are allowed in the skatepark. Bicycles, and other devices are prohibited.
  • All motorized skateboards or other motorized wheeled recreational devices are prohibited.
  • All skateboards, in-line skates, skates and scooters must be in good working order and safe for operation. Use of unsafe equipment will
  • prohibit a person from use of park.
  • Use of amplified music from any electronic device is prohibited at the skatepark.
  • Use of profanity and or gestures or verbiage that would elicit a violent response is prohibited.
  • Any activity that constitutes dangerous or reckless behavior that has the potential of injuring other skater is prohibited.
  • No food or beverages, or food or beverage containers are allowed in the skatepark.
  • Smoking, alcohol or the use of illegal substances are prohibited.
  • No person shall be in the skatepark outside of the posted hours of operation, i.e., 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • No person shall remain in the skatepark after being given notification by City of Clovis staff that they must vacate the facility.
  • No person shall enter or exit the skatepark by any means other than by way of the posted entry and exit.
  • Any person violating these rules will be subject to the City of Clovis Administrative Citation process.